Sunday, September 16, 2007

Collage Love

I am really loving collage these days. Here is a pic of a collage I just made for my mom. That is a picture of her in the middle. Mom is a very cool chic, my best friend, and an amazing artist. She loves anything black, spider webs, and diamonds, to name but a few things, but that is what I have reflected in this piece that I call the "Spider Woman" collage. I gave it to Mom last night and she loved it. I did two other neat collages for my two swaps I am participating in and will post those once they are in the mail to my swap partners. I have about five other pieces in the works. I am having so much fun!

Here is the "Spider Woman" Collage and I really like the way it turned out....

1 comment:

CatieAn said...


i love this collage of your mom how cool. isn't collage so fun and mezmerizing?